Technology intelligence

Technology intelligence

Close monitoring of innovations and key players in your market.

Phar offers the most advanced technology intelligence for companies, startup incubators and gas pedals, research centers and industry clusters.

technological landscape

Technological landscape

Patent filings

Active players

Technology news

Current trends and research

expertise nodes

Expertise nodes

Scientific interactions

Product development partnerships

Active universities and research centers


emerging startups

Emerging startups

New leaders


Acceleration networks

Competitions and events

competitors in product developement

Competitors in product development

Company profiles and innovation activity

Innovation comparisons

Innovation strategies

research networks

Research networks

Active research centers

Expert researchers involved

Research interactions between companies and research centers.


developing regions

Developing regions

Active patent development zones

Players involved

Conferences and events

Intelligence reports

Add a quarterly or annual report to your watch for a precise, up-to-date view of technology developments in your market and sector;

-Technology scouting

-Technological innovations to follow

-Active players in research and patenting 

-Scientific interactions between companies and research centers

-Experts and researchers to follow

-Investments in research projects

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A few words from our customers

As soon as we received our first newsletter, we were able to obtain quality information that had escaped us from our usual watch;

Marlène Hutchinson
Marlène Hutchinson
CEO, Evnia

The information obtained from Phar has helped us increase our market intelligence and supported us in the development of our international partnerships.

Alain Courchesne
Alain Courchesne
President, Doggy Bathroom

The concept of personalized intelligence has played a central role in our support offer to companies, and the association has taken advantage of all this knowledge to position itself as a key source in our industry.

Philippe Blais
Philippe Blais
Managing Director, MMA

The Phar team is always on hand to support us in achieving our business intelligence objectives. For Laval Innov, this involved identifying an issue and developing a service offering.

François Bilodeau
François Bilodeau
Managing Director, Laval Innov

Our experience of technology watch has been a great success. Virtually all the information gathered during the year could be put to immediate use, while the rest was used in a strategic context.

Ariane Garon
CEO, Dracal Technologies

The information obtained was relevant, usable and at a level that guided our decisions in marketing, sales and technology development.

John Ahern
John Ahern
CEO, Comlab

Why technology intelligence?

Technology intelligence is an important practice for businesses, professionals and even individuals, as it enables us to keep abreast of developments, innovations and trends in the technological field. Here are just a few reasons why technology watch is important:

  1. Stay competitive! : By monitoring technological advances, you can stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, which can help you stay competitive in your industry.

  2. Anticipate change: Technology watch enables you to anticipate changes in your industry or market, giving you an edge in adapting quickly to new conditions.

  3. Identify opportunities: By monitoring technological developments, you can identify new business opportunities or new markets to explore.

  4. Make informed decisions: Technology intelligence provides valuable information for making informed decisions, whether to invest in new technologies, develop new products or services, or reorganize your internal processes.

  5. Avoid obsolescence: By being aware of obsolete or upcoming technologies, you can avoid investing in solutions that will quickly become obsolete.

  6. Innovate!: Technology intelligence can inspire innovation by exposing you to new ideas and concepts, encouraging creativity within your team, and promoting the adoption of cutting-edge technologies.

  7. Reduce risk: By monitoring security issues, vulnerabilities and potential threats, you can take action to protect your systems and data.

  8. Improve quality: You can also use technology intelligence to monitor best practices and quality standards, which can improve the quality of your products or services.

  9. Save time and money: By avoiding costly mistakes and making informed decisions, you can save time and money in the long run.

In short, technology watch is an essential process for staying up-to-date, competitive and adapted to the ever-changing world of technology. It helps you make informed decisions, identify opportunities and minimize risks, whether you're a company or an individual.

Follow technology developments with us!