Technology intelligence

Technology intelligence

Close monitoring of innovations and key players in your market.

Phar offers the most advanced technology intelligence for companies, startup incubators and gas pedals, research centers and industry clusters.

technological landscape

Technological landscape

Patent filings

Active players

Technology news

Current trends and research

expertise nodes

Expertise nodes

Scientific interactions

Product development partnerships

Active universities and research centers


emerging startups

Emerging startups

New leaders


Acceleration networks

Competitions and events

competitors in product developement

Competitors in product development

Company profiles and innovation activity

Innovation comparisons

Innovation strategies

research networks

Research networks

Active research centers

Expert researchers involved

Research interactions between companies and research centers.


developing regions

Developing regions

Active patent development zones

Players involved

Conferences and events

Intelligence reports

Add a quarterly or annual report to your watch for a precise, up-to-date view of technology developments in your market and sector;

-Technology scouting

-Technological innovations to follow

-Active players in research and patenting 

-Scientific interactions between companies and research centers

-Experts and researchers to follow

-Investments in research projects

Rapport d’intelligence_CIE-1-Ang

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