December 7, 2024

Inno sociale: the emergence of a predictive scenario for mobilization

social innovation and monitoring

Here's a short post on the power of augmented strategic intelligence in a social innovation context, written in collaboration with Camille Théron, consulting analyst in social innovation.

Strategic intelligence, a lever for organizational agility

The current context of disruption is pushing many organizations to redefine themselves in this new "normal". Project leaders and supporting partners have to deal with a redefinition of community priorities and the adjustment of public policies. For bearers of social innovations that aim to " respond more adequately and more sustainably than existing solutions to a well-defined social need " (RQIS, 2011), it is vital to be attentive to community needs and agile in decision-making, to ensure that solutions are appropriate and produce a measurable benefit for the community.

If strategic intelligence is to be effective, it is essential that it be applied in a way that is both efficient and effective.

While strategic intelligence is not a new concept for this ecosystem, its use has spread considerably in Quebec and elsewhere, providing access to the information needed for organizations to thrive. The capture of emerging signals and the exchanges surrounding them become a major asset favoring the stimulation of collective intelligence and the search for effective solutions.

From the emergence of a predictive scenario to the mobilization of teams

Watch for these emerging signals, or foresight watch, is an opportunity for teams to create predictive scenarios for the organization's good governance, but also for its strategic positioning within its ecosystem. The use of collaborative tools such as Slack or Microsoft teams, or even the social network Passerelles, which links various players with a stake in social transformation, enables the democratization of information within teams, who mobilize more effectively to find sustainable solutions to social needs.