While every intelligence system relies on software (aggregators, distribution tools, etc.), it's crucial to select your sources well in order to better capture relevant content on a regular basis.
The metalworking industry is no exception to this rule. Here are 10 sources with which you can start structuring your watch system in this sector:
- The Fabricator (https://www.thefabricator.com/)
This source remains one of the leading references in the field, featuring articles on new equipment as well as best practices in production space organization.
A tip: when structuring your business intelligence, don't forget to monitor sources associated with a trade magazine such as the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association blog (https://www.fmamfg.org/blog) and the Fabtech show website (https://www.fabtechexpo.com/blog).
Another finding (Of note): "The Fabricator" magazine also has an associated branch located in Canada, Canadian Metalworking / Canadian Fabricating and Welding (https://www.canadianmetalworking.com/), an important source to keep in mind when setting up your monitoring.
- Shop - Metalworking Technolgy (https://shopmetaltech.com/)
This Canadian source has the particularity of covering several manufacturing sectors (automotive, energy, etc.) while focusing on metal parts. An important place is given to new technologies (additive manufacturing, robotization / automation, etc.)
- Fabricating & Metalworkiong (https://www.fabricatingandmetalworking.com/)
This American source gives prominence to real-life cases of companies that have recently invested in new machinery or developed new lines of business. This magazine also makes a point of listing all relevant events in the field (trade shows, conferences, etc.)
Like major directories such as Thomas / Xometry and Globalspec, this magazine has developed its own register of companies classified by specialty. (https://www.fabricatingandmetalworking.com/supplier-directory/)
- Modern Machine Shop (https://www.mmsonline.com/)
Providing sponsored webinars, this source publishes articles on machinery and also on ERP-type software, measurement systems, etc.
Like others, MMS is distinguished by its associated magazines such as Mold Making Technology (https://www.moldmakingtechnology.com/), Products Finishing (https://www.pfonline.com/) and Production Machining (https://www.productionmachining.com/)
- Metalforming Magazine (https://www.metalformingmagazine.com/)
Akin to the Precision Metalforming Association (https://www.pma.org/home/), this source covers the various stages of metal parts production (drilling, bending, quality control, etc.) through targeted sections.
This magazine also offers newsletters with targeted themes (https://www.metalformingmagazine.com/newsletter/).
Five other international sources can complete this first group.
- The Practical Machinist (https://www.practicalmachinist.com/)
The particularity of TPM is to offer a forum for exchange between professionals, in addition to presenting content including videos on the use of new equipment.
- Asia Pacific Metalworking Equipment News (https://www.equipment-news.com/)
APMEN covers companies in the field and equipment suppliers located in Asia. If you want to follow the launch of new machines from this part of the world, this magazine can prove very useful.
- Metals (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/metals)
With MDPI / Metals, the focus is clearly on metals research. These are mainly academic articles that will be identifiable in cd magazine.
- Cutting Tool Engineering (https://www.ctemag.com/)
CTE focuses on the latest production steps in metal fabrication.
- Contrôles, Essais, Mesures (https://www.controles-essais-mesures.fr/)
French-language magazine, CEM targets quality control in various industrial spheres.
As a player in the metal industry, it's entirely possible that you haven't seen your preferred source in this list. In fact, to enhance your monitoring system, you should add sources dealing with your sector (such as Metal Architecture https://www.metalarchitecture.com/), a particular production mode (such as Metal AM https://www.metal-am.com/ which targets additive manufacturing), a type of metal (such as Light Metal Age https://www.lightmetalage.com/ which focuses on aluminum), a particular stage of production (such as Industrial Heating https://www.industrialheating.com/ which covers the heat treatment of parts).
In conclusion, it's also up to you to stay alert to the emergence of new publication sources in your field in order to maintain the relevance of your strategic intelligence system.

December 7, 2024